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Interpretation #8898

Original Request

  • Requested By: Franklin A Pearce
  • Requester E-Mail:
  • Code Version: 2023
  • Code: MECHANIC
  • Code Description:
  • Chapter: 3
  • Section: 306.1
  • Topic: Access for Appliance vs Equipment.

  • Question: Appliance vs Equipment, Section 306.1 Access. States

    Appliances, controls devices, heat exchangers and (HVAC SYSTEM COMPONTS) that utilize energy shall be accessible for inspection, service, repair and replacement without disabling the function of a fire-resistance-rated assembly or removing permanent construction, other appliances, venting systems or any other piping or ducts not connected to the appliance being inspected, serviced, repaired or replaced. A level working space not less than 30 inches deep and 30 inches wide (762 mm by 762 mm) shall be provided in front of the control side to service an appliance.

    (APPLIANCE. A device or apparatus that is manufactured and designed to utilize energy and for which this code provides specific requirements)

    The code even gives types of appliances.
    APPLIANCE TYPE. High-heat appliance. Low-heat appliance. Medium-heat appliance. (All dealing with heat, combustion, etc..)

    Component Definition; A part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine.

    (EQUIPMENT. All piping, ducts, vents, control devices and other components of systems other than appliances which are permanently installed and integrated to provide control of environmental conditions for buildings. This definition shall also include other systems specifically regulated in this code.

    When reading the definition for appliance, it states specific requirements in the code, when reading equipment its states OTHER than appliances and installed to control the environmental conditions for a building, so when requiring access to a (SPLIT SYSTEMS, VAV's, FCU, ETC..) per the manufacture data provided, it is listed and Labeled as Equipment. Should the access provided be large enough for the largest components, (Blower housing, Evap Coils, Heaters etc..) or for the entire cabinet itself. Example you have a 7 1/2-ton split system above a hard ceiling, The FCU cabinet is 5' wide by 7' long, does this require an access door larger than the cabinet itself or just large enough for the components that make up the unit. My question is, does appliances and equipment have the same code requirements, or should we see them as the code's states other than each other.