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Interpretations Request Input

Original Request

  • Request ID: 7417
  • Requested By: Dirk Clark
  • Requester E-Mail:
  • Code Version: 2010
  • Code: BUILDING
  • Code Description: Building
  • Chapter: 5
  • Section: 504.2
  • Topic: Height limit of R-2 Type V-A
  • Question: Is it the intent of 504.2 to limit the height of an R-2 occupancy with VA construction and automatic sprinkler system to four stories.
  • Comment: There appears to be a difference between the Florida and International Code. Is there a reason for this?

Existing Interpretations and/or Declaratory Statements Related to this request

In this Section it has a Specific Text regarding Group R and it goes thru the explanation of allowable increase of 20' and an increase of one story for a fully sprinklered building, but it adds ""but shall not exceed 60' or four stories respectively."" In Table 503 most of the Group R is already at 4 stories and above 60'. I need this clarified as it seems to contradict all the previous information. Thank You.
Is it the intent of 504.2 to limit the height of an R-2 occupancy with VA construction and automatic sprinkler system to four stories.
Is it the intent of this section to allow a 20 foot increase in building height but not be able to add the additional story in Group R buildings?
Is it the intent of Section 504.2, Exception 3, to allow a 1 hour fire rating of the building structure in lieu of sprinklers for a 4 story Single Family Dwelling?

Input Received:

Concerning the FBC - yes it is increased
to a maximum of four stories with a NFPA
13 sprinkler system, NOT 13R.

Discussion of the differences between the
Codes should be on the message boards.
Agree with Michael, NFPA 13 system.
Yes, for an R-2 with Type VA
construction, Table 503 limits you to 3
stories. With either a 13R or a full 13
system, you can go to four stories.

The differnce would be if you were
dealing wiht a 4 story limit in Table
503, like for a Type IV building. Then
you could only go four stories with 13R
but you could go 5 stories with a full
13 system.
Agree with Tony Apfelbeck.


Concerning the FBC, for an R-2 with Type VA construction, Table 503 limits you to 3 stories. With either a 13R or a full 13 system, you can go to four stories.


The differnce would be if you were dealing with a 4 story limit in Table 503, like for a Type IV building. Then you could only go four stories with 13R but you could go 5 stories with a full 13 system.

Comments on Draft:

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